May 29, 2013


Logo, identity design and brand platform for the documentary film ''Flink Pike'' (2014) by instructor Solveig Melkeraaen. Topic: Flink Pike (nice girl) syndrome. Women neglecting themselves pleasing everybody but themselves. About the challenging task to climb down from a pedestal. Logo and design elements refelcts the serious topic in all of its visual storytelling. 

The straight shared ''i'' combining the original Flink Pike logotype is symbolic of a path - including the path of life. The integrated square element with a broken path reflects the path of change. A surface crack enabling life changes. Life less perfect. 

The ballerina illustration represents an actual scene from the ''Flink Pike'' documentary. A scene in which the main character wearing a red ballerina skirt flips the bird. The original ballerina illustration serves as a recognizable brand communicator for the collected Flink Pike identity design and brand. 

''Kunsten å gi Faen!'' embroidery (equal to F... Off) was produced to add some unique, colorful and artistic texture to the statement amongst others. 

Through this unique identity design process ''Flink Pike'' documentary film  has achieved a strongly recognizable brand platform. Logo, statement and design elements reflects the seriousness of the topic. 


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